Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Wintery Diatribe

I can't believe it is February already! This year is already flying by!

Superbowl Sunday tomorrow? Yes please! We are huge football fans at our house :) Here's a shoutout to all of our former U of U players in the big game tomorrow! May the odds be ever in your favor!

If you've never "rushed the field" after a great game- well friends, you simply haven't lived! 
Besides, who doesn't want to be a part of this craziness! Even if it means you have to beat BYU three times in one night ;) 

Other things we've been up to lately-

I passed my Comprehensive Exam, which means I can finally finish my master's degree this May. Woot! Little pat on the back for this girl. 

We recently went to a unveiling of Sandboxr, a dream our good friend Berk Frie has made into a reality. We are so excited for him!
P.S. We also got to meet his adorable girlfriend. What a perfect night!

We have also enjoyed a few days of sunshine this week! What a respite from the dreary inversion that has plagued us for the last few months. 

 Ugh. I hate this city in the winter. Litteraly- I dread it! I am beginning to think I should buy a mini shovel to keep in my car as I have to dig myself out before I can go home from work everytime it snows!

Well! That's the latest around the Warner house!
We are doing great and looking forward to some exciting adventures once the weather warms up! 
In the meantime, we will be sneaking away to St. George as often as possible to defrost!